We'd love to provide further clarity on how the Spend & Get offer works.
A selection of Smiggle items are available to purchase with a 50% discount. These are all available to view within the Smiggle Spend & Get category. To qualify for the discount, your shopping bag must contain Smiggle items from outside of this category, and these items must have a qualifying spend value. The discount of 50% will then be automatically applied to any Spend & Get Smiggle items in your bag.
Unfortunately, items included within the Smiggle Spend and Get category do not contribute towards the $25 spend threshold.
Please note, gift cards, gift packs and sale items don't qualify towards your $25 spend. We have included a few examples below of shopping bags that have or haven't qualified for further clarification.
We hope this is clearer, but please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further queries.
Please find the full terms and conditions for all our current offers and promotions can be found HERE.